Friday, May 20, 2011

Blessing of the hands

Earlier this month, we celebrated nurses week.  In many hospitals, this is marked by a blessing of the hands.  We took part in that at my hospital.  Here's the blessing that I wrote that we shared with staff this year:

"In your hands rests a sacred trust.  Your hands are trusted to care.  May they be strong enough to carry burdens, skilled enough to accomplish tasks, firm enough to  lend support, soft enough to give comfort, and open enough to receive blessings.  May the care that your hands provide be a blessing in your life and in the lives of those you touch." 

This is my prayer for each of us.  God has given us different gifts, talents, and responsibilities.  He has trusted us to use them to care for the earth and for one another.  May we be good stewards.

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